Monday, August 24, 2015

Blog Post 0

In the past I have used technology for many things. As a teenager in the 21st century, it can almost be assumed that you are involved in one or more social media site. I am on Instagram, twitter, and Facebook. I use these sites to share my daily life with others and connect with friends. In high school, I was required to know how to use PowerPoint, Word, and Excel for various assignments and presentations. Most of my classes required online submissions of assignments via Edmodo so I was required to know how to navigate and use it. I often used the internet for research papers, sourcing various articles uploaded to the internet to support theories. I am now a member of a collaborative blog called The Reckless Collective that documents the lives of nine friends and their respective lives as they move all across the country, yet maintain their bond. It is meant to provide advice and encouragement to younger girls. Since joining the blog, I have had to become familiar with website design as we look toward publishing the blog as its own site. 

I hope to learn various skills that will help me in my future career. My intention as of now is to be a professor one day and as a future educator I will need all of these skills to be effective. I really hope to brush up my Excel skills because I've gotten rusty. I often struggle with organization and Excel is a great resource for organizing and calculating statistics, so it would be really great to leave this class feeling confident in Excel. 

Today, through the learning style assessment, I learned that I am very balance between active learning and reflective learning, I believe I need both to truly reach higher understanding. I am pretty strongly an intuitive learner, so lecture style classes cater to me well, but when it comes to facts and memorization, I need to take advantage of office hours to ask professors about theory so I can spark an interest in the subject. I lean more towards verbal learning and auditory learning, but I still love graphs and pictures and find them very helpful. I also learned that i am a global learner most of the time rather than a sequential learner, meaning I really need to seek out and establish a big picture before I look into details if I want to best understand a problem or concept. Overall, these results were helpful on my first day of college and give me advice as to how I should move forward and tackle learning throughout my college career in order to do my very best.

Learning Style Assessment Results

1 comment:

  1. Sarah- Great post! It sounds like your high school really knew how to integrate technology into the curriculum and prepared you for college and beyond! "The Reckless Collective" sounds like a really fun, creative project... A great example of the way blogs are used to connect people. I liked your takeaways from the results of your learning styles questionnaire. They will be very helpful throughout your college career and as you embark on your goal to becoming a professor!
