Friday, September 11, 2015

Blog Post 2

     As a student, most of my papers were done in Microsoft word and submitted electronically rather than handed in. This is a method I would employ for multiple reasons. Reason one: it is an easy way to keep all the documents organized and compressed into a computer file, rather than having to keep track of tons of papers and just pray you don't lose any. Reason two: it is far more environmentally friendly. With a slowly deteriorating paper supply, I do all I can to lessen my paper demand. My third and final reason is that I can use programs such as Grammarly to quickly scan papers and identify plagiarism and grammatical and spelling errors, which is very time efficient. 
     In my school experience, copyright infringements were considered plagiarized work and thus papers that contained them were penalized. I was aways taught the importance of citations and the bibliography. We were also taught how to search for the necessary actions to use certain content. A lot of time went into teaching different formats of citations, mainly MLA and Chicago formats. We also learned a lot about internal citation and how to use it properly in a paper. As a teacher, I would concentrate on teaching my students how to properly use copyrighted works and how to use proper citation at the very beginning of my course so that I can encourage them to pull from many different sources in their research to further support arguments and spread accurate and extensive information on assigned topics. Outside sources really strengthen a paper when used correctly.
    The use of my EME2040 twitter account has really taught me how to find interesting, cutting edge news on the technology world. I believe this method could be used in many subject areas, from researching the latest and greatest achievements in the scientific world, to finding ongoing commentary on works of classic literature that further the interpretation of text. I also love seeing what the other students are posting, I get a lot of learning inspiration from viewing the different paths they've takes to achieve the same goal and work on the same project. A lot of new ideas on how to successfully complete the project have arose. My career of choice is to be an English Literature professor. Twitter could be used to generate an online socratic seminar between the students of multiple sections of the course regarding their reading material. It could also be used for student to share articles and passages of importance regarding a text. I would also use it to live tweet responses to their ideas, honing in their thoughts and changing their direction of thought if its off course before they go to far a dead end rabbit trail. It is really quite useful.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent post, Sarah! It is very thorough. Great ideas about using Twitter as a future English Literature professor :)
